Leading With Heart & Mind
Programs creating powerful shifts in thinking, feeling & being
Worldwide Presence
Over 260 high quality facilitators in over 42 countries
Leading Transformations
Empowering people to lead happier, healthier and more successful lives

Leading Transformations

‘Leading with Heart & Mind’ is an extraordinarily powerful system designed to create deep change for individuals, teams and organisations. It is focussed on enabling people to work from a space deep awareness of self & others, creating the opportunity for sustained transformation.

Leading with Heart & Mind is MORE than just a training program. It is about initiating a paradigm shift in the way we think, feel and relate to ourselves and those around us. It is essentially about encouraging people to live their best life and to operate from a deep sense of purpose, relatedness, meaning & fulfilment.

This program has an expanded network of certified Facilitators & Coaches across the world today.

What you hold in your consciousness tends to manifest – The inner game runs the outer game.” – William A. Adams

The Core Idea

In the fast changing business world, a mentally healthy & agile workforce is the key to running a profitable business. Many organizations have acknowledged the fact that a happy and engaged workforce produces more than unhappy ones over the long term. These employees are not sprinters; they’re more like marathon runners, they are in it for the long haul.

Several studies have shown that despite introducing several engagement initiatives, more than half of employees feel disengaged at work! While this seems like a significant challenge, it is also an amazing opportunity.

We believe that sustained engagement is the one comes from within. It takes the willingness to look within and to take responsibility for how one responds to situations every day. This form of accountability creates on opportunity to make more powerful choices of being. The workshop creates the space to question those limiting mindsets, examine repetitive patterns of behaviour, suspend blame and take ownership for action.

Leading with Heart & Mind creates a powerful space that allows for deep transformations to happen – From inside out!

Some of our clients

The Three Pillars of Growth

Leading with Heart & Mind Facilitators are very skilful in creating profound insights & learning, and generate powerful transformations in ‘Thinking, Feeling & Being’ for those in the workshop space. The power of Leading with Heart & Mind lies in its highly effective methodology, creating a quantum shift from:

Judgement to Awareness

Reactive to Responsive

Surviving to Thriving

Our approach to transformation involves powerful experiential processes designed to:


Uncover limiting beliefs & unconscious negative thought processes that may be interfering with efforts to be the best on the job


Minimise self- imposed mental obstacles that prevent an individual or team from accessing and expressing their full potential.


Assess the impact of ‘Inner Emotional Environment’ on relationships, interactions and achievement of goals


Explore opportunities to reduce self interference and grow potential. Experience the ‘flow’ state of excellence and most importantly, greater level of internal satisfaction.

The Fundamental – Our Thoughts Create Our Reality

Our mind is very powerful and yet, research says, we spend very little time reflecting on the way we think. After all, who thinks about thinking?

The way we think about ourselves & others turns into our reality. If we have inaccurate perceptions & conclusions of us & those around us; of what we can & cannot do, of what others ‘should’ and ‘should not’ do, it is hugely limiting.

If we think that we are ‘not good enough’, we feel like a failure and eventually attract that in our experience. Similarly labels that we place on others such as “people cannot be trusted’, creates a self perpetuating cycle of lack of trust & accountability.

Leading with Heart & Mind is based on the premise that we are each responsible for our thoughts & what we chose to create in our experience. With practice, we can train the brain to think differently. When we give up self-limiting beliefs, we are better equipped to reach our greatest potential and inspire others to reach theirs. This is the hallmark of great leadership!


Our thoughts are a catalyst for self-perpetuating cycles. What we think directly influences the way we feel and eventually the way we behave.

Our Inspiration

Through Louise’s techniques and powerful philosophy, millions have learned to create more of what they want in their lives–more wellness in their bodies and minds. Her first book, Heal Your Body, was published in 1976, Revised and expanded in 1988, this best-selling book introduced Louise’s concepts to people in 33 different countries and has been translated into 25 languages throughout the world.

In 1984, her new book, You Can Heal Your Life, was published. In it, Louise explains how our beliefs and ideas about ourselves are often the cause of our emotional problems and physical maladies and how, by using certain tools, we can change our thinking and our lives for the better.

You Can Heal Your Life reached the New York Times bestseller list and remained on it for 13 consecutive weeks. More than 50 million copies of You Can Heal Your Life have been sold throughout the world. Twenty years later, due to her appearances on the Oprah Winfrey Show, You Can Heal Your Life was again on the New York Times bestseller list.

Louise started Hay House, Inc., a successful publishing company. What began as a small venture in the living room of her home has turned into a prosperous corporation that has sold millions of books and products worldwide. At age 90, Louise transitioned on August 30, 2017 in San Diego.
Her powerful & transformational workshops continue to inspire and influence people to live happier, healthier & more successful lives across the world.

Louise Hay
International Bestselling Author, Speaker & Facilitator; Founder Hay House Inc.

The book ‘You Can Heal Your Life’ has sold over 50 million copies worldwide

The Founders

Through a unique licensing agreement with Hay House, Inc., the world wide leader in self-help and transformational book publishing, Heart Inspired Presentations, LLC is now the exclusive world wide provider of Leading With Heart & Mind training. They are dedicated to expanding these powerful principles beyond the pages of books to up close and personal training in conference rooms and retreat centers world wide.

Since earning her Ph.D. in social psychology from Claremont Graduate School, Dr. Crane has dedicated her work to effecting positive change in peoples’ lives by working with life transforming philosophies and practices. Dr. Crane began working directly with Louise Hay as an assistant to her in workshops. As life unfolded Louise Hay began turning her attention more toward the book publishing business, while Dr. Crane just naturally picked up the mantle and continued with the teachings. Dr. Crane has been a successful author, speaker, facilitator and a wonderful mentor to many people across the world.

Vice President and co-founder Rick Nichols formerly in telecom in a managerial role began seeking something more fulfilling from life as a result of his “midlife crisis.” After much introspection he managed to transform himself from technology marketer to a purveyor of growth & change as an much loved author, speaker and facilitator.

Heart Inspired Presentations also offers a variety of products and services for personal & professional development including: books, CD sets, online courses, personal coaching, seminars, and workshops.

Dr. Patricia Crane & Rick Nichols
President & Co-Founders – Heart Inspired LLC

Heart Inspired Presentations, LLC is the exclusive world wide provider of ‘Heal Your Life®’ & ‘Leading with Heart & Mind’ programs

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